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Ludlow Piano Festival 2024
John Dowland's Fancy at this year's Ludlow Piano Festival
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The Cenci released
The 1997 premiere performance of The Cenci appears on Toccata Classics
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New CD release on Heritage
Symphonies 8, 9, 22 and 24 on Heritage under Myer Fredman
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Premiere Proms performance of Legend, given by Alina Ibragimova
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Unauthorised recordings

Aeschylus [or Æschylus] (c525BC–c456BC)
[Ancient Greek dramatist, the ‘father of tragedy’ (Wikipedia)]
Agamemnon [music drama; 1 act] abridged and adapted by the composer from Blackie’s Everyman translation; in English [soli, SATB chor, orch] (1957†) – 39½´
[1 work]

William Allingham (1824–89)
[Irish man of letters and a poet (Wikipedia)]
Goodbye to summer [song] [SA, piano] (1914†)
[1 work]

Helen Bantock [Lady Helena Francesca Bantock] (1868–1961)
[poet; wife of composer Sir Granville Bantock]
Soul star [song] (orig Philip Marston - lost) [SATB] (1906†)
[1 work]
C. R. Barber
Two scenas [bar, pno or orch] (1918†) — LOST
[1 work]

Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803–1849)
[English poet, dramatist and physician (Wikipedia)]
The phantom wooer [song] [SATB] (1918†)
[1 work]

Matilda Betham-Edwards (1836–1919)
[English novelist, travel writer and francophile (Wikipedia)]
A child’s prayer [song] [SA, piano] (1914†)
[1 work]

William Blake (1757–1827)
[English poet, painter, and printmaker (Wikipedia)]
The birds [song] [alto or bar, pno] (1919†)
The blossom in C major [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [unison or solo, piano] (1914†)
The chimney sweeper in G major - E flat [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [unison or solo, piano] (1914†) – 3´
The defiled sanctuary [song] from posthumous Miscellaneous Poems and Fragments [medium voice, piano] (1918-19†)
The dream [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SSA, piano] (1914†)
The echoing green [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SSA, piano] (1914†)
The fly in C major [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [unison or solo, piano] (1914†) – 1´
Infant joy [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SSA, piano] (1914†)
The lamb [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SSA, piano] (1914†)
The land of dreams [song] from posthumous Miscellaneous Poems and Fragments [voice, piano] (1919†)
Laughing song [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SSA, piano] (1914†)
The little black boy in A minor - A major [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [unison or solo, piano] (1914†) – 4´
The little boy found [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SA, piano] (1914†)
The little boy lost [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SA, piano] (1914†)
Pastoral: the shepherd [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [SSA, piano] (1914†)
Piping down the valleys wild in C major [song] from Songs of Innocence and Experience [unison or solo, piano] (1914†) – 2´
Spring – sound the flute [song] [SA, piano] (1914†)
Spring – sound the flute [song] [SSA, piano] (1914†)
[18 works]
Fred G. Bowles
[a minor poet active in the period of the First World War (Malcolm MacDonald)]
I know, and you! [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†) — LOST
Since love is dead [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†)
The twilight house [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†) — LOST
[3 works]

Havergal Brian (1876–1972)
Three illuminations [pno, optional spkr] (1916†) – 5´
The Tigers [burlesque opera; prologue, 3 acts] [soli, chor, orch] (1917-29†) – 180´
[2 works]

Thomas Campbell (1777–1844)
[Scottish poet, chiefly of sentimental poetry (Wikipedia)]
The soldier’s dream [orch; or voices, orch] (1908-09†) — LOST
[1 work]

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834)
[English poet, Romantic, literary critic and philosopher (Wikipedia)]
If I had but two little wings [song] [SA, piano] (1914†)
[1 work]
Gerald Cumberland [pseudonym of Charles Frederick Kenyon] (1879-1926)
[journalist, author, and poet; contemporary of Havergal Brian]
Day and night Op.13b [song] [tenor, piano] (1906†)
Fairies’ song [song] (orig. Philip Marston - lost) [SSAA] (1908†)
If I could speak Op.13b [song] [tenor, piano] (1906†)
The maiden and the flower garden [children’s operetta] [voices, piano] (1914†) children's operetta — LOST
The moon [song] [SA, piano] (1914†)
The river [song] [SA, piano] (1914†)
Soliloquy upon a dead child [song] [sop or ten, pno] (1906†)
Summer has come, little children in D major [song] [SA, piano] (1914†) – 2´
The vision of Cleopatra Op.15 [cantata (Tragic poem)] [SMAT soli, chors, orch] (1907†) original full score lost; re-orchestrated in contemporary Brian style by John Pickard 2014 – 40´
When I lie ill Op.13b [song] [tenor, piano] (1906†)
[10 works]

Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)
[English poet and historian (Wikipedia)]
Care-charmer sleep [song] [voice, piano] (1919†)
Sorrow song Op.6 [song] [alto or bar, pno] (?1904-06†)
[2 works]

John Donne (1572–1631)
[English poet, satirist, lawyer and priest (Wikipedia)]
The message Op.6 [song] [alto or bar, pno] (?1904-06†)
[1 work]

Lord Alfred Douglas (1870–1945)
[English author, poet and translator (Wikipedia)]
Symphony 5 »Wine Of Summer« [1 movement] [bar, orch] (1937†) – 21´
[1 work]

Michael Drayton (1563–1631)
[English Elizabethan poet (Wikipedia)]
The fairy palace [song] [SSA, piano] (1915†)
[1 work]

William Drummond of Hawthornden (1585–1649)
[Scottish poet (Wikipedia)]
Sonnet: my lute [song] [voice, piano] (1919†) — LOST
[1 work]

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)
[American essayist, lecturer, and poet (Wikipedia)]
The mountain and the squirrel [song] Fable [unison or solo, piano] (1914†) for children – 2´
[1 work]

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)
[German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist, and polymath (Wikipedia)]
Faust [prologue, 4 acts] (part 1), abridged by the composer; set in German; no English translation [soli, orch] (1955-56†) – 150´
Wanderer’s night song [song] trans Morley [voice, piano] (?1895-96†) — LOST
[2 works]
John Edward Gunby Hadath [pseudonyms: John Mowbray, Shepherd Pearson] (1871–1954)
[English journalist, author of books for boys about public school life and wartime adventure, writer of stories for periodicals]
At candlelight [song] [voice, piano] (?1926†) — LOST
Song of betrothal [song] [voice, piano] (?1926†) — LOST
Today and tomorrow [song] [voice, piano] (?1895-96†) — LOST
Without you [song] [voice, piano] (?1926†) — LOST
[title unknown] [song] [voice, piano] (?1895-96†) — LOST
[5 works]
Hafiz of Shiraz (c1325–c1389)
[Persian lyric poet (Wikipedia)]
Little sleeper [from Soliloquy upon a dead child] Op.13a [song] trans Richard le Galliene [sop or ten, pno] (1906†) rev 1972
[1 work]

Reginald Heber [Bishop of Calcutta] (1783–1826)
[English poet and hymnodist; Church of England Bishop of Calcutta (Wikipedia)]
Farewell Op.6 [song] [alto or bar, pno] (?1904-06†)
[1 work]

Heinrich Heine (1797–1856)
[German poet, journalist, essayist, and literary critic (Wikipedia)]
Pilgrimage to Kevlaar [ballad] trans Todhunter [chor, orch] (1913†) — LOST
[1 work]

Robert Herrick (1591–1674)
[English poet (Wikipedia)]
Fair pledges of a fruitful tree [song] [SA, piano] (1919†)
Choral pieces for female voices and orchestra (or piano) »Go, happy rose« [SSAA, orch] (1912†) — LOST
Go, happy rose [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†) — LOST
Grace for a child in C major [‘… a two-part easy school song’ - HB] Noble numbers (1647) no 95 Another grace for a child [SA, piano] (1914†) – 1´
Choral pieces for female voices and orchestra (or piano) »The hag« [SSAA, orch] (1912†) – 2½´
The mad maid’s song [song] [mezzo, pno or orch] (1910†) orch score lost
The night piece [song] [tenor, pno or orch] (1910†) orch score lost
Choral pieces for female voices and orchestra (or piano) »Requiem for the rose« [SSAA, orch] (1912†) – 9½´
To daffodils [song] [SA, piano] (1919†)
Violets [song] [SSA, piano] (1914†)
Why dost thou wound and break my heart? [song] [tenor, piano] (1910†)
[11 works]

Thomas Heywood (c1570s–1641)
[English playwright, actor, and author (Wikipedia)]
Pack clouds away [song] [SSA, piano] (1919†)
[1 work]

Ben Jonson (1572–1637)
[English Renaissance dramatist, poet and actor (Wikipedia)]
A gypsy song [song] [SSAA] (1914†) — LOST
Hymn to Diana [song] [voice, piano] (1919†) — LOST
[2 works]

John Keats (1795–1821)
[English Romantic poet (Wikipedia)]
Meg Merrilies [song] Old Meg she was a gypsy [male voices] (1914†)
[1 work]

Charles Kingsley (1819–1875)
[English priest of the Church of England, university professor, historian and novelist (Wikipedia)]
The lost doll [song] [voice, piano] (1914†)
Sands of Dee [Sands o’ Dee] [mixed voices] (1914†)
[2 works]

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1882)
[American poet, translator, and educator (Wikipedia)]
Carmilhan Op.14 [soli, chor, orch] (1906†) — LOST
Daybreak [song] [SATB] (1910†)
I shot an arrow [song] [voice, piano] (?1895-96†) — LOST
Stars of a summer night Op.1 [song] [SSAATTBB] (1905†)
[4 works]

George MacDonald (1824–1905)
[Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister (Wikipedia)]
Little white lily [song] [SSA, piano] (1914†)
[1 work]
Christopher M. Masterman
[Brian’s landlord in Brighton between 1920 and 1922]
The soul of steel [song] [voice, piano] (1920-21)
[1 work]

Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
[Irish poet, singer, songwriter, and entertainer (Wikipedia)]
Come o’er the sea [song] [SATB] (1906†)
[1 work]

Hannah More (1745–1833)
[English religious writer, poet, playwright, and philanthropist (Wikipedia)]
O happiness, celestial fair [choral canon] [SATB] (1924†)
Shall I then be spared? [choral canon] [SATB] (1924†)
Sweet solitude [choral canon] [SATB] (1924†)
[3 works]

Thomas Nash [or Nashe] (1567–c1601)
[English Elizabethan pamphleteer, playwright, poet and satirist (Wikipedia)]
Spring, the sweet spring [song] [SA, piano] (1919†)
[1 work]

Alexander Pope (1688–1744)
[English poet, best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer (Wikipedia)]
Vital spark of heavenly flame [choral canon] [SSAA] (1924†)
[1 work]

Samuel Rogers (1763–1855)
[English poet, banker, and art collector (Wikipedia)]
Mine be a cot beside the hill [song] [SA, piano] (1925†) — LOST
[1 work]

Friedrich von Schiller (1759–1805)
[German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright (Wikipedia)]
Turandot, prinzessin von China [music drama; 3 acts] abridged by the composer; set in German; no English translation [soli, orch] (1950-51†) – 155´
[1 work]

Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832)
[Scottish historical novelist, playwright, and poet (Wikipedia)]
Ah! County guy! [serenade] [equal voices] (1919†)
Lullaby of an infant chief [song] [SATB] (1906†)
[title unknown] [work for chorus and orchestra] [chor, orch] (1908-09†) — LOST
[3 works]

William Shakespeare (1564–1618)
[English poet and playwright (Wikipedia)]
And will he not come again? [song] [SSAA, piano] (1914†)
Blow, blow thou winter wind [song] from As You Like It [SATB] (1925†)
Clown’s song [song] from Twelfth night (c1600), Act 5, scene 1 ‘When that I was and a little tiny boy’ [partsong] (1914†)
Come away, death [song] [TbarB, piano] (1925†)
Fear no more the heat of the sun [song] [SATB] (1919†)
Full fathom five [song] [SSAA, piano] (1921†)
It was a lover and his lass [song] [SSA] (1919†)
O mistress mine [song] [partsong] (1915†)
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Op.5 [song] Sonnet 18 (pub 1609) [SATB] (1903†)
A song of willow [song] [SSA, piano] (1914†)
Take, O take those lips away [song] from Measure for Measure [voice, piano] (1919-21)
Tell me, where is fancy bred [song] from The Merchant of Venice [SSAA] (?1910s/20s)
Under the greenwood tree [song] [SSA] (1919†)
When icicles hang by the wall [song] from Love’s Labours Lost [voice, piano] (1919†)
Ye spotted snakes [song] [SSAA] (1914†)
[15 works]

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822)
[English Romantic poet (Wikipedia)]
The Cenci [music drama; overture, 8 scenes] abridged by the composer [soli, orch] (1951-52†) – 103´
Chorus [from Prometheus unbound Chorus from Act I] [song] [unaccompanied] (1937-44†)
Music, when soft voices die [song] [voice, piano] (1919†) — LOST
On a poet’s lips I slept [song] [voice, piano] (1919†) — LOST
Prometheus unbound [lyric drama; 2 acts] parts 1 and 2 set complete [25 soli, 4 chors, orch] (1937-44†) — LOST
Three semichoruses [from Prometheus unbound Act II scene 2] [song] [1,3 unacc; 2 acc fl, hp] (1937-44†) – 15´
[6 works]

Sophocles (c497BC–c406BC)
[ancient Greek tragedian (Wikipedia)]
Oedipus Coloneus [opera] trans Sir George Young (1967†) unfinished, prob destroyed — LOST
[1 work]

Edmund John Millington Synge (1871-1909)
[Irish playwright, poet, prose writer, travel writer and collector of folklore (Wikipedia)]
Dierdre of the Sorrows [opera] (?1947†) unfinished, destroyed — LOST
[1 work]
F. Taylor
Far from thee [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†) — LOST
[1 work]
Temple Keble [nom de plume of Wilhelmina Mary Ayrston]
[poet; an intimate friend of Brian’s during his sojourn in Birmingham (Malcolm MacDonald)]
Lady Ellayne [song] [medium voice, piano] (1918-19†)
Love is a merry game [song] [voice, piano] (1918†)
On parting [song] [voice, piano] (1918†)
Renunciation [song] [medium voice, piano] (1918-19†)
When the sun goes down [song] [voice, piano] (1918†)
[5 works]

Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892)
[English Poet Laureate during much of Queen Victoria’s reign (Wikipedia)]
What does little birdie say? [song] from Sea dreams (1860) [unison or solo, piano] (1914†) – 1´
[1 work]

James Thomson (1700–1748)
[Scottish poet and playwright (Wikipedia)]
Tell me, thou soul of her I love Op.13d/1 [song] [SATB] (1906†)
[1 work]
John Webster (c1580–c1634)
[English Jacobean dramatist (Wikipedia)]
Call for the robin redbreast [song] [voice, piano] (1919†) — LOST
[1 work]
Bernard Weller
In a fairy boat [rondel] [SSAA] (1906†)
[1 work]

William Butler Yeats (1868–1939)
[Irish poet and playwright (Wikipedia)]
A faery song Op.13c [song] [mezzo, piano] (1906†)
[1 work]
religious sources
By the waters of Babylon Op.11 Psalm 137 [bar, SATB chor, orch] (1905†) rev 1909 – 25´ — LOST
Introit Amen [sic] [chorus on ‘Amen’] [SATB] (1924†)
Let God arise Psalm 68 [soli, chor, orch] (?1906-07†) — LOST
Psalm 23 Op.9 Book of Common Prayer, trans Miles Coverdale (1535) [ten, chor, orch] (c.1904,1944–45†) reconstructed 1944-45 – 15½´
Requiem excerpts from New Testament and Hymns Ancient and Modern [bar, chor, orch] (c.1899†) — LOST
Symphony 1 »The Gothic« in D minor [2 parts, 6 movements] text in Part 2: Te Deum laudamus [SATB soli, child chor, 2 dble chors, orch] (?1919-27†) – 105´
Symphony 4 »Das Siegeslied« in C major [3 movements] Psalm 68, ‘Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered…’, sung in German [sop, dble chor, orch] (1932-33†) Psalm 68 'Let God arise' – 48´
[7 works]
Hie upon hielands [trad. ballad] [male voices] (1914†) — LOST
[1 work]
author unknown
Anthem [choir] (?1896†) — LOST
Canadian boat song [song] [voice, piano] (c.1892†) — LOST
The curate and the mulberry-tree [song] [partsong] (1914†) — LOST
The knight’s leap [song] [partsong] (1914†) — LOST
Legend of Altenahr [song] [male voices] (1914†)
Love’s remorse [song] [partsong?] (1914†) — LOST
Marching along [song] [male voices] (1914†) — LOST
The owl [song] [female voices] (1914†)
The poet’s dream [song] [voice, piano] (1919†) — LOST
Prelude [sop, dble chor] (?1933†) — LOST
A proposal [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†) — LOST
Robin redbreast [song] [unison, piano] (1914†) — LOST
Stars of destiny [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†) — LOST
The sweetest dream [song] [partsong] (1914†) — LOST
Sympathy [song] [partsong] (1914†) — LOST
Twilight Op.13d/2 [song] poss. Longfellow [SATB] (1906†) — LOST
Where shadows flee [song] [voice, piano] (c.1922-23†) — LOST
Will you buy any rope? [song] [partsong] (1914†) — LOST
A wish [song] [2 voices, piano] (1919†) — LOST
[title unknown] [song] prob. Cumberland [tenor, piano] (1906†) — LOST
[20 works]
Absence [song] [SSAA] (1919†)
He was a rat [song] [SATB] (1914†)
[2 works]