Join the Society

The Society offers several benefits for a modest annual subscription.


The quarterly Newsletter publishes articles of the highest quality on Brian’s music and on all aspects of the composer. There are few composer societies which have demonstrated such a consistent track record of quality – over forty years – in the material it has published; much of it has stood the test of time and appears on this website. Items from future Newsletters will also appear on the website, but delayed by six months. In any case, there is much in the Newsletters that does not normally appear on the website: including news, views and the occasional crossword. The Newsletter is normally available in electronic format at no extra cost, back numbers of which are available from the website Members’ Area. Current members receiving the paper Newsletter by post pay the additional printing/postage charges indicated below.


Members receive a generous discount on all Brian records and books, as well as the opportunity to purchase memorabilia such as past programme books.

Online Recordings Library

Members have online streaming access to non-commercially-recorded performances of Brian’s music dating back to 1958, in many cases of works not otherwise available.


New members


Global annual subscription of £20 (£10 Concessions for over 65s). Benefits – emailed electronic newsletter, access to the website members’ area and online Recordings Library for the subscribed year, plus express email notification of imminent Brian news or events (where we have your email address).


Annual subscription £100. Benefits – as Supporter, plus names included in administration box in the NL, in website members’ area and in CD booklets supported by the HBS; additional discount on selected items ordered through the Society; free HBS mug.

Life membership

£250 worldwide; all benefits plus permanent access to the Online Recordings Library.

Student Member - FREE

The Havergal Brian Society offers FREE membership to all students, whether in school or Further/Higher Education, including part-time students. Benefits include a quarterly e-Newsletter; discounts on Brian CDs and other merchandise when purchased through the Society; access to our online archive of Newsletters stretching back over 40 years; and access to our unique online archive of historic Havergal Brian recordings.

To join, simply provide proof of your status as a student (photograph of ID card or a supporting statement from your school/college/university) and an end date for your period of study. You will then receive FREE membership of the Society until the end of the calendar year in which your course finishes, after which you will be invited, without obligation, to join the Society as a regular member.

Existing postal members

As above, plus additional £7.50 (UK) or £16.00 (International) to cover printing/postage charges.

To join, please contact us by email. For those who use email clients such as Outlook or Thunderbird, a new email will open in your email client. For those who use webmail, simply right-click the above link and select 'copy email address', and then open your webmail service and paste the address into a new email. To send us your subscription, use the PayPal ‘donate’ feature on the left side of this page. The 'donate' link will take you direct to the HBS PayPal page. This is a cover-all option for subscriptions, donations or purchases from the Society, so when you enter your PayPal account information, please remember to add the purpose of the donation (e.g. new membership subscription) in the drop-down “add special instructions to recipient” box. Once this is complete, PayPal will email you a confirmation. We will be notified of payment and will provide you with all newsletters from the current subscription year. You will also be placed on the Newsletter circulation listing and will be provided with your unique details for accessing the Members' Area and online Recordings Library. Previous back issues of electronic newsletters will then be available from the website members’ area.

Alternatively you can send a cheque, postal order or bank draft in UK currency payable to Havergal Brian Society to the membership secretary, Mike Lunan; for contact details please refer to the contacts page in addition to the above link, where you can also use the appropriate link to send an email. US$ checks can also be accepted, but please contact Mike in the first instance. UK members are strongly encouraged to Gift Aid their subscriptions which provides additional income via tax refunds; enquiries on this to Mike also.

Donations are always gratefully received. They enable us to continue to promote Brian's music through recordings, publications and live performance. The Society has a Major Projects Fund dedicated to recordings including the ongoing series of recordings by Dutton and Naxos. The Faust Fund was launched to fund the recording and potential public performance of what Brian considered to be his best opera, Faust. The Faust Fund has now enabled the scheduling of a complete recording of Faust in late August 2019. The Society also undertakes the production of scores and parts using Sibelius software, and professional editing funds are needed for this. You can also now donate by using PayPal; just click the 'donate' link in the side panel.

The HBS can only continue to function with regular income. If you have found this website informative and useful, please consider supporting us by either becoming a member, making use of the advantages that carries, or by making a donation to help our work in making scores and information available, sponsoring recording and promoting Brian in other ways such as this website.