**FREE** student membership

Enjoy free membership of the HBS for the duration of your studies.

Posted: 25 August 2019

The Havergal Brian Society offers FREE membership to all students, whether in school or Further/Higher Education, including part-time students. Benefits include a quarterly e-Newsletter; discounts on Brian CDs and other merchandise when purchased through the Society; access to our online archive of Newsletters stretching back over 40 years; and access to our unique online archive of historic Havergal Brian recordings.

To join, simply provide proof of your status as a student (photograph of ID card or a supporting statement from your school/college/university) and an end date for your period of study. You will then receive FREE membership of the Society until the end of the calendar year in which your course finishes, after which you will be invited, without obligation, to join the Society as a regular member.

Please contact the Membership Secretary.